✔ Por la galería aparece Pablo con una crema para las heridas en su mano y le dice a su hermana Alba Marina: "me va a poner la cremita, si o que?". Y es que se había dado un terrible golpe en una carrera de motos y tenía toda la espalda raspada. 😂
✔ Pablo appears in the gallery with a wound cream in his hand and says to his sister Alba Marina: "Are you going to put the cream on me, yes or what?". And it is that he had taken a terrible blow in a motorcycle race and had all his back scraped. 😂
✔ Pablo appears in the gallery with a wound cream in his hand and says to his sister Alba Marina: "Are you going to put the cream on me, yes or what?". And it is that he had taken a terrible blow in a motorcycle race and had all his back scraped. 😂
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