🇨🇴 Un 29 de marzo de 1976 se casaban Pablo Escobar y Victoria Henao en la Iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad en Palmira. 💍

La familia Henao siempre estuvo encontra de la relación entre Pablo y la "niña" Tata, no solo por su diferencia de edad (él 26 y ella 15), sino también por la fama de bandido que ya tenia Escobar.

Los novios decidieron escaparse a Pasto, capital del departamento de Nariño, pero el vuelo tenía escala en Cali, donde debían esperar varias horas, mientras tanto en el barrio La Paz todo era desesperación, nadie sabía donde estaban, hasta que les llego el comentario de que los vieron en el aeropuerto saliendo rumbo a Cali. La madre de Tata, Nora, llama a su madre Lola que vivía en Palmira para que vaya y los retenga.
Cuando se encuentran, Pablo le da un discurso tan convincente del amor que siente por su nieta y las ganas de pasar su vida junto a ella que Lola decide ayudarlos llevándolos a Palmira donde podía convencer al obispo para casarlos ya que era conocido de ella y así fue, ese día se unieron en matrimonio.

Alfredo y Rigoberto, dos de los mejores amigos de Pablo que llegaron a su encuentro cuando estaban en el aeropuerto, fueron quienes les dieron entre bromas el único regalo de boda; un escrito con un sentido pésame: “Por el mal paso que acaban de dar”.

🇺🇸 On March 29, 1976, Pablo Escobar and Victoria Henao were getting married in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Palmira. 💍

The Henao family was always in conflict with the relationship between Pablo and the "girl" Tata, not only because of their age difference (he 26 and she 15), but also because of Escobar's reputation as a bandit.

The couple decided to escape to Pasto, capital of the department of Nariño, but the flight had a stopover in Cali, where they had to wait several hours, meanwhile in the La Paz neighborhood everything was desperation, nobody knew where they were, until they received the comment of who saw them at the airport leaving for Cali. Tata's mother, Nora, calls her mother Lola hers who lived in Palmira to come and hold them.
When they meet, Pablo gives him such a convincing speech of the love he feels for his granddaughter and the desire to spend his life with her that Lola decides to help them by taking them to Palmira where she could convince the bishop to marry them since he was known to her and so on. It was, that day they got married.

Alfredo and Rigoberto, two of Pablo's best friends who came to meet him when they were at the airport, were the ones who jokingly gave them the only wedding gift: a letter with heartfelt condolences: “For the bad step they just took ”.

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